Sunday, July 25, 2010

the one in the middle is the green kangaroo

this post doesn't have anything to do with green kangaroos. but e is reading that book to me. now that we have that straight... i'd like to report that these days i am struggling to be a good momma. my kids are pressing me to the limit on a regular basis and i feel like i am going a bit loony. so sometimes, you've just got to get creative and find ways to introduce laughter into the mix. you know, so you don't loose it.

my eldest is in the process of learning boundaries in regards to her words. she is experimenting with sassy in ways i didn't think a five year old could. we are working on it. it is a slow process, but day by day she is starting to see what she can say and what she can't say and who she can say what to. i am amazed by her command of the english language, but we're working on establishing an understanding of how to channel that gift of vocabulary and use it for good.

the one in the middle, well, come to think of it... she is a bit like a kangaroo. but that is besides the point. do you remember those days of "i do"? well, i had no idea what that would look like in a precocious girl fast approaching 3. but i'm in the process of experiencing this first hand. it has resulted in things like... an exterior door lock on her bedroom door because she just doesn't want to stay in her new little bed on the floor, a few parking lot situations where she was almost backed over by a car leaving their spot because she does not need to hold momma's hand (or so she thought), mexican stand offs at the dinner table because she wants dessert but doesn't want to eat a morsel on her plate. i could go on and on, and in fact it does. and so moment by moment i find myself teaching this wee one that Independence and fearlessness has its place, but that momma (and daddy) is/are ultimately the boss and that surrender is also often a value. (i'm sure i have more to say about this at another time.)

and this little chica? well she is in the "explore the world" stage. she likes to eat lots of stuff, especially dirt, crumbs and choking hazards. she is also really digging the unpacking of things recently put back together... things like folded laundry, drawers, book shelves, etc. with her were working on the art of distraction and the meaning of "no".
i'm not complaining. i think there will be many times over the journey of parenting where challenging with one child intersects with a different challenging of another (and in our case, another). it's a balancing act for sure, but it reminds me that sometimes you've got to reach a little bit (or a lot) and find ways to invite smiles into the experience. sometimes, you've got to find ways to fly.


  1. love the pictures of the girls from the flying airplane pose! And ohh....the words you used to describe sweet little D....she and I may have some heart to hearts in the years to come....the middle child....thought you might be describing me! Love you.

  2. I am so glad to hear you're going through it too!!! Hang in there...
