Thursday, September 12, 2013

"you and me kid" part deux

you may recall that pops and i had you and me kid day a few weeks back.  i wouldn't trade that day, but as with many posts that i write, there is more to the story.  this happens often here at "diary of a suburban momma" (and life in general, really).  you think that it is "over" and that the story has ended.  i hit the "publish" button and in my mind that is the end.  and then a few days pass and some new thing builds itself onto the story.

"you and me kid day" has had that same evolution.
 and here is the rest of the story.  and then a little more because that's how i roll...  always on the edge of tmi.  you're welcome.

almost three weeks ago, these two little muffins marched their little selves off to elementary school.  and for two weeks it was just pops and momma.  again.

after we left them at school, she grabbed hands with me and skipped home.  daddy left for work and she declared, "it's just you and me kid".

"yep, popsie.  just you and me."

and then i went about my morning, loading the washing machine with darks and sweeping the kitchen floor.  pops meandered off and got down to the business of playing.

for a few minutes.

and then she wandered back to me and asked, "when are we going to get ice cream?"

"ice cream?  we can't get ice cream at nine in the morning."

and then the tears began.

"but i thought it was 'you and me kid day'!"

we had a little snuggle and a little chat.  i tried to explain to her that when we are alone together it isn't always a party.  sometimes it is but other times it is business as usual.

she did not care for that answer and on day two of big sisters at school and popsie still at home with momma, she asked again.

on friday i finally gave in and took her to get some fro-yo with friends after kindy pick up.  i just couldn't take her sad face any more.

and so imagine her joy when HER big day finally arrived and she got to go to school like big sisters!  she was elated and eager to begin her new adventure of pre-k.  

she dressed herself.  what can i say?  that kid is one of a kind.  i have to throw those comments in as a security measure for myself in the years to come.  you know she's going to blame me for letting her wear those blasted boots every day of her life.  i had nothing to do with it.  

i even bought her new shoes for the big day.  she picked them out all by herself.  and then promptly rejected them as soon as she tried them on at home.

exhibit a:

what's that you say?  

"didn't you buy her new shoes on 'you and me kid day'?"

yes.  yes i did.

i'm glad you asked.

she rejected those, too.

and so she is back down to uggs.  sigh.

but she rocks those uggs and is happy.  and that's all a momma could ask for.  right?

and a total aside from this story, is this one...

for the last few weeks, my pops has rejected our normal night time routine.  when i ask her what song she wants me to sing to her, she asks for "bubbles in the air".  and she giggles and pretends to pop bubbles while i sing the song.  and every night, at the end of the song as i kiss her head, she says...

"momma, you're a bubble!"

and then she laughs her little head off as i turn off the light.

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