Wednesday, September 11, 2013

i heart p-town

dear p-town,

it is so hard to believe that our relationship together began FOUR years ago today.  it feels like it has gone by in the blink of an eye.  if i close my eyes, i can still remember standing in the tennis park on that very first day here.  the sun felt so warm on my shoulders and i wanted so desperately for a sign that this move was the right decision.

with each day, i have fallen in love with you more and been reassured that this was indeed a very good decision.  you are warm and kind and arms wide open.  you are filled with spectacular surprises of intense beauty- the climb up the ridge, the corner of neal and main, the dairy, the view of mt. diablo as you drive down hopyard,  the palm trees by 580 (that always feel so welcoming and so very california to this east coast girl), roses in the winter, woodpeckers and hummingbirds, your beautiful green hills in february, the scent of rosemary and lavender wafting from gardens on a summer's evening walk, flip flop temps in january, parades in the center of town, candy cane lane, poppies on the side of the road, a dancing pickle dueling it out with a caesar, turkeys meandering across a yard...  the list is long and could go on for days.

i had no idea on that scary september 11th, leaving behind so many cherished friendships, what this new place could possibly offer me that wouldn't pale in comparison.  and while nothing can replace those special people...  you've wrapped me in the arms of so many more special amazing friendships.  and i've realized that life isn't about replacing people or experiences, but much more about building onto them.  the past four years has been the most amazing building experience!  i am in awe.  i am filled with gratitude.  while i will always remember september 11th for the atrocities that occurred to our great nation, it will also always hold a special glimmer of optimism and hope for me and my family.

suburban momma

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