Tuesday, August 31, 2010

nighty night

a few months ago, i told you about this and then i sort of left you hanging...

or so you thought.

what really happened was this: we had to wait a few weeks so as not to reward the girl's bed hopping habit. and then when i finally decided which bed direction i was going in, i realized that there was a little bit of order and wait involved. wowza- somehow, the summer passed and that brings us to today.

today? what's so special about today, you ask. i'll tell you. today, my little d FINALLY got the above mentioned bed that we ordered a few weeks back. in fact, she got the TWO beds that we ordered several weeks ago. two beds? yes, two beds. we wanted to be prepared when a certain p decides to take the jump. living like the boy scouts over here- be prepared!

or maybe it's more like- fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. which ever one you think is best, we're rockin' it out.

what's that thing towards the top of her door? oh, that.
yeah, that's a sneaky little apparatus they sell at your local baby store- apparently we are the target marketing audience. apparently, we aren't the only family in the nation with an escape artist two year old who isn't swayed by sticker charts, candy, "angry mommy", "sweet mommy", prizes, spankings, stern suggestions, loving appeals, or jedi mind tricks. apparently, some kids need an exterior door locker... and since we made the $9.99 investment, we're thinking about getting our monies worth. we might just leave it on until she leaves for college because if keeping her in her room at age two is this hard, well, i shudder to think what it will look like at 16.

and d, well she thought she was the cat's pajamas! or the man in the moon, or the dog's bark (i made that one up), or the bees knees... well, you get my drift here. she was happy.
don't let the bed bugs bite!

1 comment:

  1. I love all things D!!! She is precious and so is her bedroom. And speaking as a middle child....2 is a piece of cake compared to 16! Watch out!! :)
