as you can tell, d was a super sticky mess after her love affair with her push-pop. seriously. the pop had melted all over her. when i took the dress off of her i had to give her a kitchen sink bath. she had pop juice on her belly, down her arms, and on her legs. she was a sight!
as i took off the dress, i was a little miffed. it was a brand-new, worn twice dress that i had bought for summer. as i peeled it off of her, i was pretty certain that it was done for. i wadded it up and set it aside while i attended the sticky girl. and as life goes, once the sticky girl was "un-stuck" i went in search of a new outfit, leaving the push-pop dress in the dust. and there it sat for about six hours... until i remembered it later. much later.
not sure what the best route was... i threw it into the washer solo. i added my superconcentrated shaklee laundry detergent and then went in search of a new product that i hadn't opened yet... the nature bright laundry booster and stain remover. i've heard all sorts of things about how it rivals oxi-clean, shout and bio-clean products in the area of efficacy, that it is crazy inexpensive in comparison, and i was aware that it is probably the greenest stain fighter on the market... but i was a little skeptical. because, well, you've seen the pictures!
i threw a tiny scoop into the washer
crossed my fingers
and voila!
take a look for yourself. oh, and if you were wondering, i didn't leave out a single detail (come on, ya'll... you know i'm the queen of details! i wouldn't hold out on you here). if you noticed that i never mentioned scrubbing, soaking, or rubbing the spots with detergent... well that's because i never did.
what are you waiting for? get some for your own sticky push-pop sized stains.
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