Thursday, February 18, 2010

early riser

less that 12 hours after our household has recovered from the stomach flu, poppy's bottom tooth began to pop through the surface. as a result, my little babe woke up at 5:50 today... and didn't want to go back to sleep. i will be honest, i almost lost it. i felt like i needed sleep so badly and this was not in the plan. can a girl get a break around here? the answer appears to be no. and so instead of loosing it, i decided to embrace it. and so for two hours this morning (while my other two beautiful babes slept in) i loved on sweet p.

isn't she cute? i just adore the little faces she makes. they are unique and wonderful and a teeny tiny glimpse into the girl she will be. and while i woke up without an ounce of gratitude. a few hours later (and a cup or two of coffee), this momma is thankful for an early riser. but don't get any crazy ideas, poppy. let's make this a "once in a while" date.

and just to keep things real... i am not certain that i will feel this same way at around 4:00 this afternoon when she will inevitably be fussy because of her early rising. so i posted these pictures of her cute little mug. you know, to get me through the bewitching hour of the day.

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