Friday, March 14, 2014

tootin' my own horn

i can't stop giggling.  it has been one REALLY long week.

a few weeks ago, the hubs approached me with a potential trip to the mid-west in march.  i looked at the books and just started laughing.  if you could pick the most stacked week of the year to be gone, this one was it.  but alas, the hubs has this day job gig and it is sort of vital to the buser abode.  what can you do?  not much.  and so i said, "book it", crossed my fingers, held my breath and said, "we're gonna do this!"

as life would have it, we had an epic plumbing fail a few days before his departure.

monday included the start of a spring sport schedule where two buser girlies have practices at different times and the turn-in of two science projects.

tuesday was a meeting with an insurance adjuster, gymnastics, some emails to send concerning a local school district issue and the science fair.  "i got this!"  and just to make things a little more fun, i decided that i needed to be a lumber jack and chainsaw down a couple of trees.  they had been in the pipeline for "things to do" for a while and our green waste bin was empty.  why not?  (i sang "timber" under my breath while feeling like the queen of the world operating power tools...  if you want to know the whole truth.)

wednesday was kindy round-up registration for pops, a class i love at the gym and an unexpected bout with food poisoning.  (just another day in the motherhood.)  oh, and did i mention day two of new alternating sports schedule?

thursday was more sports, early dismissal at kindy and the need to order a dumpster for bathroom dismantle over the weekend.  it was time to call for a pizza and wrap this party up.  oh and support a friend's home party in the evening (which was a little like a get-out-of-jail-free card, if i'm totally honest.)

friday was another early dismissal, an orthodontist appointment, and while i'm going strong...  i might as well finally paint the office...  why not?

and if i don't say so myself nobody else will say it...  i ROCKED it.  for the first time in the motherhood, i feel like "i got this!"

and then i got the text that the hubs was delayed from chicago...  my first inclination was to cry.  my second inclination was to order take-out and have a dance party.

i have four nasty trees down, three girls giggling, some poor dietary choices, a painted office, a dumpster in front of my house, three enlightened children thanks to the go-go's, a very cute new shirt on the way (from above mentioned party), a third kid registered for kindergarten, two tired swimmers and a smile on my face.  oh...  and i showered this week...  three times (just so you know).

it was sort of an epic week around here.  these moments don't happen often and so it seems fitting to celebrate them when i am able to pull them off well.  normally, i would just celebrate that we are all alive and wearing clean panties (yes, dawnie.  i said "pant

ies" on the blog.).  but this week took "daddy's out of town" to a whole new level!

we even posed for a few selfies...

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