Thursday, July 14, 2011

happy birthday to you!

when i get behind on blogging, i always run into this mental dilemma... do i back track and post about the things that have happened over the weeks or months where i was negligent or do i pick up right where i am and go from there with a clean slate?

since the purpose of my writing is for my children in future years, i thought that today called for a back track.

you see, in february, we had a very special visit from some very special people: my girlies auntie merritt and uncle jon! scott's sister and brother-in-law made the journey from michigan to visit us for about a week. and with them, they brought the most special gift of all... cousin stella. it was such a treat to meet this precious little muffin.

we had a delightful week together. i have such fond memories of special times with my cousins and auties as a child, that these days mean ever so much to me. even though we live so far away, i just know that they are going to be near and dear to one another. i imagine sweet stella coming to visit in her teenage years or sweet e tagging along on a vacation with auntie merritt as resident babysitter. it will unfold and i know that it will be beautiful.

we took a trip into the city and rode a boat under the golden gate bridge, hung on pier 39 and some of us rode a cable car. we took in china town and i'm sure a few other things that i am probably forgetting.

auntie merritt also did a nail salon party for the girls and we had family game night (with jiffy pop).

sweet stella took in her first ride on the swings. it was fun to part of this milestone. she was somewhat indifferent, but it was sweet to see.

and then to keep things fun, we made them pose for a masked girlie photo. poppy was a little less than cooperative as she wanted to play peek-a-boo, but stella obliged her auntie and sat like a good girl (might have something to do with her lack of mobility at 7 months of age).

and now... when i finally have gotten around to posting these, sweet stella is celebrating her first birthday. happy birthday, pretty girlie. your auntie, uncle and cousins love you very much!

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