Monday, July 18, 2011

a family of 5 becomes a family of...

it has been a busy week around here. we went from a family of 5 to a family of 7. that's right... we finally caved and bought the girls a pet. well, two pets, because their momma is a little bit of a sucker. i spent the better part of last week tracking down breeders and visiting pet shops. i must say, i rather enjoyed it.

without further ado, here is stardust (e's baby mini-lop):

and d's bunny named lucy (named after my mom's mom... when i told my mother i believe she was slightly offended that we named a bunny after her mother. d thought it was a grand name as it was the second runner up to be her own moniker):

since i sort of had to twist my husband's arm to agree to the new family members, i thought it would be best if i kept expenses down. i posted a want add on freecycle and was able to get everything i needed for free except the bunnies, water bottle and food bin. pause for a moment on that... the hutch you see is a pretty penny at various sites on the web. the toys, the timothy hay, a few bags of pellets... all free! i was over the moon. which might explain why we came home with two bunnies instead of one... you just can't have a hutch that big with just one girl. it beckoned for a sister.

on the way to pick up our bunnies e said, "my life is going to be amazing. today it is going to change forever." she was beaming from ear to ear.

d loves her bunny, too. lucy is a sweet girl who is very tolerant of her pint sized momma.

and the biggest fan of all... well that's p, of course. the bunnies might not like her as much as she likes them though. it's a work in progress.

and just to keep things over the top insane... we bought a leash and have been walking the girls around the back yard.

it sure is a rodeo over here.... but a very fun one, that's for sure. if you see me on the street with a bunny attached to my leash, promise not to laugh. it's for the girls.

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