Monday, January 24, 2011

procrastination leads to a super fun excursion

moving stinks. there. i'm just going to come out and say it. in spite of the wonderful nature of where you end up, you have to go through a lot of yuck to get there. sure, i suppose that there might be some peeps out there that love a good move. but as for me, 4 times in 6 years is more moves than i am down with. don't get me wrong. each one of those moves have been pivotal in our lives. i'm just saying that i am less and less of a fan with each and every move under my belt. i long for the day when i packed all my belongings into my little sunbird and moved to atlanta- no truck, no movers, just a simple manageable move.

so when some friends suggested a weekend trip to tahoe the week before our move, well, i jumped at it. a chance to procrastinate packing? a relaxing trip to the mountains? playing board games and sipping some coffee over a good conversation? me! me! i'm in. the buser bus is on board with that!

and that is just what we did. we drove the few hours to lake tahoe. we drove in on a friday night and it was pitch dark when we arrived. imagine our surprise when we awoke to this:

seriously, the view from the house was shocking. i had no expectation for what it might look like, but this took my breath away. tohoe is amazing.

two little girls spent the bulk of our time there creating some sort of majestic fort in the yard.

one little girl rekindled her memories of ice skating with her daddy.

and another little girl got all dressed up to play and then...

decided that she didn't like it one bit. i'm being serious. popsie doodle is a true california girl. she threw a temper tantrum each and every time that she was set down in the snow. she was determined not to like it. and so she didn't. (if only she knew what her little life in the great state of illinois could have looked like!)

a certain momma enjoyed the flying saucer sled with a certain daughter who is always up for excitement and thrills.

another little muffin might have tried to eat her weight in snow.

and this little tot was delighted to be toted around on her sled.

we were taught about geo caching... which will be discussed more in a future post.

it was a good time, indeed. and don't worry, those boxes were still there waiting to be packed upon our return. they didn't mind the wait at all. and eventually, they did get packed but that is far less fun to talk about than the adventure of tahoe.

1 comment:

  1. Breathtakingly beautiful....all of it! The scenery, you sledding, sweet little P, the smiles on D, and of course the cuteness of Miss E. And yes, those boxes have a way of hanging around, like it or not. :) Glad you were able to steal away from them for some beautiful memories to pun intended. :)

    Love you!
