Saturday, May 8, 2010

suburban momma's momma

my mom's been visiting for the past month. if i'm honest, i can say that i was sort of dreading this month. don't get me wrong, i love my mom. but she can make me just a teensy weensy bit crazy. (i can totally say that because a.) she knows it's ture and b.) she doesn't read my blog because she doesn't know how to turn on a computer let alone find my blog on the web.)

now, with three days left in our month together, i can say with honesty that this month has blown me out of the water. she's been AMAZING! she loved all over my kiddos. she encouraged me to go on outings i would never have embarked on if it weren't for her love of adventure. she made me see the beauty in the most simple of things. she beat me in the game of sorry way too many times...

and now that she is about to come home, i keep thinking about how much i am going to miss her. in fact, i am already planning things for her next trip.

today, we went to the city and took in yuerba buena botanical gardens, attempted to ride the cable car (not so much an option with a handicapped rider and three kids, but fun for them to see), and put our toes in the pacific ocean.

she's quite a woman! when i think of my own challenges as a mom of three, i can't help but think that this lady did everything that i do...
you know, except,
she did it alone
on a small fixed income
without a car
while being paralyzed on the left side.
it's quite remarkable! i can hardly do it with a husband, a salary, two cars, and a fully in tack body.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awesome pic!!! Glad you had a wonderful time!!

  3. beautiful post for the day before Mother's Day. She sounds like a strong, amazing woman!
