Friday, November 13, 2009

water for christmas

once upon a time a prince and his wife were walking to church in chicago.  as they got close to the church they came up behind a cute little couple.  the couple was a gal and guy pushing a snap-n-go stroller that contained a sweet newborn baby boy.  the wife smiled and thought that they were cute.  the wife was pregnant at the time and envisioned walking to church with her prince in just a few short months, pushing a stroller themselves.

some time passed and the wife gave birth to sweet baby e.  the wife joined a newly formed bible study for mommas and finally met that gal she had seen months earlier.  she also met their sweet baby boy, oliver. 

the gal turned out to be a wonderful gal and over time they became friends.

one day, the gal and the guy decided it was time to move.  they left their beloved city of chicago and headed to iowa.  the gal decided that she would enter into the world of blogging.  she was a writer and so this was a good fit for her.  the wife, missing her sweet friend, read each and every post that was made to the blog.  she read about food and she read about poety.  she read about their new life and their adventures in their new suburb and she read about mothering boys.  she read about new traditions and fabulous transformations. the words were good and the blog was entertaining.

but one day, the wife visited the blog and was...  well, she was shocked.  her mild mannered friend had really gotten excited! (seriously, if you haven't clicked on any of the words in pink, click on the word EXCITED!)  and this excitement created a movement... th movement was water for christmas.

this year, the gal (aka farm raised) and her sister-in-law expanded the movement.  the huffington post even noticed!  they can't be stopped.  they are raising money to support clean water...

farm-raised says it best in her own words:

"Every day, 4500 mothers bury their children due to contaminated water. They are forced to sustain their families with a diabolical liquid that contains both life and death. This lack of clean water is the leading cause of death in underdeveloped nations. And it just doesn't have to be!"


"$10 will provide one person in Africa clean water for 10 years. It will literally change and possibly save someone's life. A mother. A child. A brother. A grandfather.

We are rallying together for a cause. Clean water. One day. $10. Asking everyone to let this be their first gift. Let water, let life be their first gift of the season."

do you feel like you want to join that crazy gal?  go ahead, don't wait, click HERE!

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